Estate Planning

Wealth 360 = Family Peace Regulator

Estate Planning

Estate planning is about peace of mind by putting the right structures in place to make sure your assets are distributed the way you want and in an effective way.

Importance of Estate Planning?

An estate plan is much more than having a simple Will. It covers other aspects relating to the transfer of your wealth after you pass away. If you have a Family trusts, powers of attorney and the tax implications for beneficiaries, it can all be managed with an estate plan.

Also, with blended families becoming more common in recent times, estate planning has become more important for those with complex family structures

Schedule an Obligation-Free Consultation

Let’s discuss how we might be able to help you with a free 30 minute chat with "zero pressure"

Work With Us?

Our network of trusted lawyer partners can write your estate plan up into a legal Will to ensure they have all the right information for your estate planning and beneficiary nominations.